Live Shows

We can create many various and original productions to fit the individual needs of your event.

Below are a few examples of previous productions we have created.

The Tournament Of Knights.

The gallop of horses hooves, the glint of armour, the sound of sword on sword or lance on shield. No spectacle quiet matches The Jousting Tournament.

Two Teams of Knights and Horses Joust it out against each other for victory.

The Battle of The Bones.

The Pirate King is Dead!

But who shall replace him? The most legendary Pirates who sail the seven seas meet to contend for the Pirate Throne, according to the rules laid down by Davy Jones and his Locker.


It is a time for Feasting and Festivity. Which gives the Kings’ Famous Musketeers all the excuse they need to show off their skills and prowess in horsemanship and combat.

Trial By Combat

Two powerful Lords and their Houses are caught in a bitter dispute. It is decided to settle the quarrel with their best Knights fighting it out in hand to hand combat.

Robin Hood and the Silver Arrow

The Sheriff of Nottingham intends capturing the Outlaw Robin Hood, and so devises a Tournament of Skill and Combat for all comers to compete for the Silver Arrow. A prize the Sheriff knows Robin cannot resist.

The Legends Of King Arthur

Merlin the Magician gathers the strongest and best Knights in the Kingdom to discover who shall win the right to attempt to draw the Sword Excalibur and become King.